Thursday, December 30, 2010

Oil prices fall, cold weather limits losses
Posted: 30 December 2010 0445 hrs

The oil prices are increasing when the extreme cold in the northern hemisphere persists. On wednesday, the US northeast region dug out ''Snowpocalypse'', causing chaos as hundreds of flights were canceled. Due to the face of brisk demand and end-of-year inventory adjustments by refiners, US reserves dropped by 15 million barrels in the first half of December.

I feel that they shouldnt keep increasing the oil prices, causing to own a car even more expensive as the petrol prices is increasing too. It makes the citizen to have a higher expenses which many people are unable to afford a car. I know that this is due to the cold weather that increases the oil of petrols. So i can only wish that the cold weather will not persist and less oils will be needed hence will decrease the price of oil. This will allows the citizens to have more spending power and boost the country's economy.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010 COE prices for car at highest level since 2000
By Hetty Musfirah Abdul Khamid Posted: 08 December 2010 1618 hrs

The COE price has been increasing rapidly since 2000. For the Open Category, the certificates are usually used to buy cars was up S$15,010 to $54,900. COE premiums for big cars of more than 16,00 cc rose from S$14,612 to S$62,502. For cars of 1,00cc and below, COE rose S$8,604 to S$47,604. Car dealers expect the COE price to increase around S$3,000 to S$5,000 but didnt expect to rise to S$15,000. Industry players expect the COE price to increase even more next year, hitting S$100,000. Car dealers said that some customers want new cars for the Lunar New Year and therefore the price of COE will keep increasing.

There will be many Singaporeans who are unable to afford to own a car because of the increasing COE price. I don't understand why COE price is increasing so rapidly. Is the government trying to control the amount of people owning a car so that there won't be massive jam in the road ? If this is the reason why, i would support it as during the peak hour, there would be traffic jam causing inconvenient to many people.
Secondly, if there's high COE price means many people cannot afford it which is a good thing too. Youngster who has just gotten their driving license would want to own a car if it is affordable. But now the COE price is too high, hence they cannot afford it. This means that there will be lesser accidents and Singapore will be a safer country!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Public sector to offer re-employment to retiring workers from July 2011
Posted: 30 November 2010 1758 hrs
From July 1011 onwards, workers who had reach the age of 62 are offer an re-employment options. More than 124,000 public sector employees from 15 ministries may be affected.They introduce the re-employment option is because officers will be able to remain economically productive and be meaningfully engaged in their golden years. The older officers will be able to share the wealth of institutional knowledge and experience to the Public Service. To qualify to be an re-employment officer, he must demonstrate satisfactory work performance in the three years prior to retirement and be medically fit to continue working.

Personally, I feel that the re-employment option is a wise decision made by the government. It will definitely benefit both the parties, the company and the officers as the officers have the knowledge and experience. Hence they are able to share it to the younger generation. If an officer suddenly retires and stop working, they would not know what to do everyday and may have memory failure in times to come as they are not using their brain to think as often compared to their working period. So having this re-employment option would allow them to continue working and they are still contribute to the society. For those who want to enjoy their life after retirement, they are able to do so as it is not a rule but rather an option for them to choose.
MOE revokes scholarship of student found with child pornography
Posted: 23 November 2010 1858 hrs

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has revoked the teaching scholarship of the University of York undergraduate Jonathan Wong who has pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography in Britain. The Ministry will tighten its processes so that schools must provide information on specific behavioural problems which may affect their selection as teachers. MOE expects their teaching scholars to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the standards of the teaching profession and will take necessary actions for those who behaved inapproprately. Jonathan Wong was caught with 50 videos of child pornography on his computer after the police raided his room in March. He was a hardcore pornographer as he belongs to the top category of severity of child pornography.

I feel that he's sick in the mind to keep so many child pornography. In 2002, he was publicly caned as a student for peeping in a lady's toilet. From the article, i believed that he had overcome this errant behaviour after the professional help as since that incident, he have been behaving appropriately. I didnt expect that when he is going to graduate during the last year of his teaching scholarship, he actually did not repent and kept so many child pornography in his computer. This is definitely a shocking issue to most of us, including his family members and friends. I guess no one can believe that a scholarship holder is actually sick in the mind and have such behaviour. Thanks god that the MOE had found out about horrible side of him and revoked him from the teaching scholarship as he may do more harms to the students though he may be a good teacher sharing all his knowledges to others. In conclusion, having a good character is definitely important to us.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Haiti cholera reaches Dominican Republic
17 November 2010 Last updated at 01:03 GMT

More than 1,000 Haitians have died of the disease, cholera. The Dominican authorities had stepped up border controls and health checks to try to stop cholera from spreading from Haiti but the disease had spread too rapidly that it's within their control right now. If the number of cases continues to increase at the same rate, then they are going to have to adopt some drastic measures to be able to treat people,"said MSF's head of mission Stefano Zannini." The country was already struggling to recover from a devastating earthquake in January and now they are having epidemic. It caused fear in Haiti.

I feel sad for the people in Haiti as not only do they have earthquake, they are having epidemic right now. Most of their infrastructure are damaged and i doubt they have the capital to rebuild it till the epidemic are over. I think that it will take a very long time for them to recover from all the illness and the loss of family members or friends. Sooner or later, the government would used up all their reserved to the country and no investor would want to invest in Haiti because of the natural disaster,earthquake, and the epidemic. In my opinion, i feel that we should help the Haitian by raising funds and helping them to restructure their infrastructure. They are suffering right now and this is the least we can do for them. If the school organises a volunteering trip to Haiti, i would go for it and try to do as much for them.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gang armed with parangs go on slashing spree in Bukit Panjang

Victims, aged between 14 to 20, were assaulted in two separate incidents. It occurred in the night time in Bukit Panjang. All the victims were shocked and thought that the group of people were just kidding and didn't mean it. But it's actually not the truth. The gang from "Sah Lak Kau" (Hokkien for "369") did not even let a 8 years old boy off. They slashed and stabbed the victims merciless. The police are agitated and determined to hunt down the perpetrators and see to it that they are dealt with to the fullest extent of the law, regardless of their age.


In my opinion, i am glad that there are no death in this incident though there are many victims injured. I seriously think that the gang is really merciless and cold-blooded. How can they slash or stab people? Moreover, they are just teens, not even adult yet. I hope that the police can trace down the gang and disband it. They only do harm to the people and not anything else. I feel that they should put themselves in other's shoe. Don't they know that slashing people is offensive in Singapore and yet they did this. They should understand the consequences of their actions and face the music. I don't understand why do they have a gang in the first place. It is not cool to be in a gang or being a gangster. It just shows that they are ill-disciplined and no manners. I seriously hope that the police would arrest the gang as soon as possible and do justice for the victims!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Murder of teen at Downtown East mistaken for Halloween park

This article is about a teenager currently studying in Republic Polytechnic was being murdered at Downtown East on 30 November 2010. There were 4 suspects to the murder which the police had identified it is the youngsters. Many people around Downtown East thought that it was a prank as it was Halloween on that day and many people were celebrating it.So it was very chaotic, people don't know if this was a real stabbing or if was this an re-enactment or a prank done by some youngsters.

I seriously don't understand the mindset of the young generation now. I can understand why do they get angry when someone is staring at you as you won't be feeling comfortable but this doesn't mean that you have the rights to hit or injure people. We should always put ourselves in other people shoes and what if you are their parent? Won't you be sad and angry when your own children is injure and get bully every time? For every matter, there is always a solution to it. So we don't really have to go into fights to settle it. We can talk it out peacefully and everything can be solved. Doesn't that be more effective and both parties can still be friend. For this case, i feel that the 4 teenagers should take up responsibilities for what they did. They should face the music and reflect what they did. From what i heard, the victim is a young fine gentlemen and doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. From the day he died, we had lost one young fine man and i felt that it's wasted.I would like to give my deepest condolences to his family members. I know that it will be a shocking news for their family but they have to face it. So i sincerely wish that they can get over it and live their life as i believe that their deceased son wouldn't want them to be sad too.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Andie Chen: "I lost weight till I got sick."
By Han Wei Chou Posted: 06 January 2011 1113 hrs

This article is about two actors sacrifice for the sake of their role in the MediaCorp drama. First, the Singapore screen veteran Chen Hanwei's pulled out his teeth because of the drama "The Best Things in Life". Second, it was Andie Chen who shed ten kilos in a little over a month just to play his character more convincingly in his upcoming Mandarin drama "Prosperity" and even fall sick because of it. Andie Chan had a rough idea of the character and so he went for the imaging and thought that this character would be more convincing if he is really skinny so he lost six kilograms before the shooting began. When he saw the rushes, he discovered that he was right so he decided to lose another four kilograms. However, this drastically loss of weight took a toll of his health as he reduced his food intake and worked out less.

I feel that it is not worth it to deteriorate their health for the sake for acting a drama. A drama will last a period of time only but worsen their health will last forever as it is not easy to repair their health to their original form when it has already damaged. Andie Chan can exercise and eat lesser to lose weight but not reduced his food income drasmatically. This caused him to be fatigue everytime as he does not have the nutrition and energy. So he is not setting a good example to the public, I think that he shouldn't do this as the young children may learn from him. We should always emphasise on exercising more to lose weight and not starve ourselves.
Andie Chen: "I lost weight till I got sick."
By Han Wei Chou Posted: 06 January 2011 1113 hrs

This article is about two actors sacrifice for the sake of their role in the MediaCorp drama. First, the Singapore screen veteran Chen Hanwei's pulled out his teeth because of the drama "The Best Things in Life". Second, it was Andie Chen who shed ten kilos in a little over a month just to play his character more convincingly in his upcoming Mandarin drama "Prosperity" and even fall sick because of it. Andie Chan had a rough idea of the character and so he went for the imaging and thought that this character would be more convincing if he is really skinny so he lost six kilograms before the shooting began. When he saw the rushes, he discovered that he was right so he decided to lose another four kilograms. However, this drastically loss of weight took a toll of his health as he reduced his food intake and worked out less.

I feel that it is not worth it to deteriorate their health for the sake for acting a drama. A drama will last a period of time only but worsen their health will last forever as it is not easy to repair their health to their original form when it has already damaged. Andie Chan can exercise and eat lesser to lose weight but not reduced his food income drasmatically. This caused him to be fatigue everytime as he does not have the nutrition and energy. So he is not setting a good example to the public, I think that he shouldn't do this as the young children may learn from him. We should always emphasise on exercising more to lose weight and not starve ourselves.
Andie Chen: "I lost weight till I got sick."
By Han Wei Chou Posted: 06 January 2011 1113 hrs

This article is about two actors sacrifice for the sake of their role in the MediaCorp drama. First, the Singapore screen veteran Chen Hanwei's pulled out his teeth because of the drama "The Best Things in Life". Second, it was Andie Chen who shed ten kilos in a little over a month just to play his character more convincingly in his upcoming Mandarin drama "Prosperity" and even fall sick because of it. Andie Chan had a rough idea of the character and so he went for the imaging and thought that this character would be more convincing if he is really skinny so he lost six kilograms before the shooting began. When he saw the rushes, he discovered that he was right so he decided to lose another four kilograms. However, this drastically loss of weight took a toll of his health as he reduced his food intake and worked out less.

I feel that it is not worth it to deteriorate their health for the sake for acting a drama. A drama will last a period of time only but worsen their health will last forever as it is not easy to repair their health to their original form when it has already damaged. Andie Chan can exercise and eat lesser to lose weight but not reduced his food income drasmatically. This caused him to be fatigue everytime as he does not have the nutrition and energy. So he is not setting a good example to the public, I think that he shouldn't do this as the young children may learn from him. We should always emphasise on exercising more to lose weight and not starve ourselves.
Indonesia tsunami: Death toll soars to 282

Tsunami has striked again. This time it hitted several remote islands in Indonesia causing huge numbers of injuries and deaths. A devastating 7.7-magnitude earthquake was triggered shortly after the tsunami , alot had suffered injuries and corpses can be found along beaches and roads. Rescue teams were deployed to help and find survivors to provide them with aid and assistance and get them to safe shelters as well. But due to the bad weather , the rescue workers had yet to reach the worst affected areas.

My view
It is always disheartening to see news of natural disasters causing damages and deaths. I would like to give my deepest condolences to all the victims and people who are affected by the disaster. One thing immediately come to my mind upon reading the article , global warming. it's an undeniable fact that we human beings are the main culprits for global warming. I strongly believe that if every each of us were to put in extra efforts in protecting our living environment , there will be lesser cause for natural disasters thus resulting in lesser deaths and damages incurred. The goverment should step up extra measures to prevent global warmings. Another concern of mine is that are there enough help being rendered to help aiding the victims of the disasters ? We should lend our helping hands to help out be it financially or physically. If given the chance , i would like to volunteer and help out in the affected areas, I believe it will be an unforgetable experience for me and definitely it's a lesson that can't be taught in classes.