Tuesday, November 23, 2010

MOE revokes scholarship of student found with child pornography
Posted: 23 November 2010 1858 hrs

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has revoked the teaching scholarship of the University of York undergraduate Jonathan Wong who has pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography in Britain. The Ministry will tighten its processes so that schools must provide information on specific behavioural problems which may affect their selection as teachers. MOE expects their teaching scholars to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the standards of the teaching profession and will take necessary actions for those who behaved inapproprately. Jonathan Wong was caught with 50 videos of child pornography on his computer after the police raided his room in March. He was a hardcore pornographer as he belongs to the top category of severity of child pornography.

I feel that he's sick in the mind to keep so many child pornography. In 2002, he was publicly caned as a student for peeping in a lady's toilet. From the article, i believed that he had overcome this errant behaviour after the professional help as since that incident, he have been behaving appropriately. I didnt expect that when he is going to graduate during the last year of his teaching scholarship, he actually did not repent and kept so many child pornography in his computer. This is definitely a shocking issue to most of us, including his family members and friends. I guess no one can believe that a scholarship holder is actually sick in the mind and have such behaviour. Thanks god that the MOE had found out about horrible side of him and revoked him from the teaching scholarship as he may do more harms to the students though he may be a good teacher sharing all his knowledges to others. In conclusion, having a good character is definitely important to us.

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