Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Indonesia tsunami: Death toll soars to 282

Tsunami has striked again. This time it hitted several remote islands in Indonesia causing huge numbers of injuries and deaths. A devastating 7.7-magnitude earthquake was triggered shortly after the tsunami , alot had suffered injuries and corpses can be found along beaches and roads. Rescue teams were deployed to help and find survivors to provide them with aid and assistance and get them to safe shelters as well. But due to the bad weather , the rescue workers had yet to reach the worst affected areas.

My view
It is always disheartening to see news of natural disasters causing damages and deaths. I would like to give my deepest condolences to all the victims and people who are affected by the disaster. One thing immediately come to my mind upon reading the article , global warming. it's an undeniable fact that we human beings are the main culprits for global warming. I strongly believe that if every each of us were to put in extra efforts in protecting our living environment , there will be lesser cause for natural disasters thus resulting in lesser deaths and damages incurred. The goverment should step up extra measures to prevent global warmings. Another concern of mine is that are there enough help being rendered to help aiding the victims of the disasters ? We should lend our helping hands to help out be it financially or physically. If given the chance , i would like to volunteer and help out in the affected areas, I believe it will be an unforgetable experience for me and definitely it's a lesson that can't be taught in classes.

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